Russo-Ukraine war fake news: the effect of debunking against prebunking

Project supported by the Foundation of the National Bank of Slovakia


Project duration: 01/2024 - 12/2025

Principal investigator:
Matej Lorko, Institute of experimental psychology CSPS SAS, v.v.i.

List of co-investigators:
Vladimíra Čavojová, Institute of experimental psychology CSPS SAS, v.v.i.
Jakub Šrol, Institute of experimental psychology CSPS SAS, v.v.i.
Richard Priesol, Institute of Financial Policy, Slovak Ministry of Finance
Paulína Jalakšová, Institute of Financial Policy, Slovak Ministry of Finance
Berenika Tužilová, Institute of Financial Policy, Slovak Ministry of Finance


Russian invasion of Ukraine is accompanied with considerable volume of fake news, which may undermine trust in the motives and actions of Ukraine and Western countries. It is therefore essential to search for and test interventions capable of reducing trust in such fake news. In this project, we measure trust in true, false and fake news related to Russo-Ukrainian war and examine the effects of providing fake news refuting information. By manipulating the timing of such information, we effectively test whether it is more effective to debunk (i.e., to refute fake news after people are already exposed to them) or prebunk (i.e., to intervene before fake news start spreading).

Keywords: fake news, Ukraine, debunking, prebunking