For the media
Researchers working at the Institute of Experimental Psychology CSPS SAS provide, as part of their popularization activities, interviews and expert opinions for the media.Examples of such statements or interviews are found on the following links:
If you work for the media and are interested in an interview or expert opinion, please write an e-mail directly to the researcher of your choice. Researchers from the Institute provide opinions or interviews exclusively on topics related to their professional focus and expertise. Should they be addressed regarding a topic outside of their area of expertise, such offers are declined.
For future colleagues
Institute of Experimental Psychology CSPS SAS is hiring new staff for research positions depending on the available options.The condition for applying for a research position at the Institute is:
- Doctoral degree (or shortly before dissertation) in psychological sciences or related fields
- Ability to publish research results on international level, documented by a list of current publications in relevant journals
- Ability to publish and present research results in English
- Willingness to participate in projects implemented by the Institute
If you are interested in working at the Institute, please e-mail the director of the Institute at his address
For possible research participants
We regularly post information about research opportunities you can participate in on our website and social media. Views: 41