Our mission
The Institute of Experimental Psychology is an organization specializing in science and research. Its main focus lies with basic research of cognitive and emotional processes in social context and its main aim is to contribute to the understanding of these processes in everyday human life. The main mission of the Institute is to conduct research; to obtain, process and distribute scientific findings.History
The Institute began to form in 1952, first as the Department of Psychology of the Philosophical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts, the forerunner of today's Slovak Academy of Sciences. The establishment of the Department of Psychology meant the establishment of the very first workplace in Slovakia, which focused on psychological research. In April 1955, the department became independent and rebuilt into the Psychological Laboratory of SAS, which from 1963 to 2015 was known under the name the Institute of Experimental Psychology of SAS. Since 2015, the Institute has been part of the Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.Current areas of research
- Cognitive and personality predictors of trust-building- Cognitive and social skills supporting the quality of work of emergency medical staff
- Cognitive failures - individual predictors and intervention possibilities
- Psychological aspects of retirement adaptation
- Examining unfounded beliefs about controversial social issues
- and other
Research cooperation
In its research and development activities, the Institute cooperates with several important foreign institutions such as:- Max Planck Institute for Psychology, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- University of Essex, United Kingdom
- Applied Psychology and Human Development, University of Toronto, Canada
- Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic
- University of California, Riverside, USA
- Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
- Department of Psychology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
- and other
In the international evaluation of SAS organizations by the panel of international experts in 2022, the Institute of Experimental Psychology, as a part of the Center for Social and Psychological Research, was ranked in the evaluation at level B/C (Part of the research is visible at European level. Overall the research is solid and has contributed to understanding to the field at the European level).Organizational structure
Prof. Peter Halama, PhD.e-mail: peter.halama@savba.sk
Tel.: + 421-2-5477 5625, 5477 3509
Fax: + 421-2-5477 5584
Director Deputy
Doc. PaedDr. Vladimíra Čavojová, PhD.e-mail: vladimira.cavojova@savba.sk
Tel.: + 421-2-5477 5625, 5477 3509
Fax: + 421-2-5477 5584
Scientific Secretary
PhDr. Eva Ballová Mikušková, PhD.e-mail: expsebal@savba.sk
Tel.: + 421-2-5477 5625, 5477 3509
Fax: + 421-2-5477 5584
Secretariat Office and Library
Katarína Hornáčkováe-mail: katarina.hornackova@savba.sk
Tel.: + 421-2-5477 5625, 5477 3509
Fax: + 421-2-5477 5584
Lívia Budzáková
e-mail: livia.budzakova@savba.sk
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